It looks like I’ll be going to Chicago in a month or so. I want to take one of the architectural boat tours (architecture of the city by boat, rather than the architecture of boats, which might also be interesting). Any idea if they’ll be running yet (or worth doing) in mid-April?
I went climbing at a different rock gym this weekend. I found the Boston Rock Gym a fair bit less challenging than the Mill City Rock Gym, but the folks were nice, and it’s certainly closer to home. A nice change of pace, but I probably won’t become a regular there.
Laura and I went to Mount Snow on Saturday to find some decent skiing. I had a voucher from a trip last year for a lift ticket and rental, so between us, the only cost was her lift ticket. It wasn’t cheap, though – a full day of skiing will cost you at least $61 (rental’s more, food’s exceeding expensive, even for skiing). My advice: if someone’s paying for you there, it’s fine; if you’re paying, save your money and go somewhere else.