My posts here are growing fewer and further between, but I’m not quite ready to call (the website) completely dead.
That said, all the cool kids are heading over to for some photos of our wedding, and a new blog about our fixer upper house in Seattle.
posted March 28, 2016 – 9:56 pm
It’s been a big summer for us as we got married in July. Obviously, I haven’t done a very good job of keeping this blog updated, but that’s life. It was a wonderful time, the wedding, and it deserves a post of its own sometime soon, with photos, of course.
It’s also been busy times for me on the work front with FlySorter, and I spoke last night at Ignite Seattle about fruit flies, starting the company, and our most recent progress. The video has already been edited and posted!
Ignite is a wonderful event, and I’m proud to say it was started in Seattle, years ago. I was at the first one in 2006, and yesterday’s was the second talk I’ve given. It’s tons of fun, and there are Ignite events in cities around the world. Highly recommended.
posted September 18, 2015 – 9:53 am
I had a pretty great work setup in Boston at the wonderful and quirky coworking space Industry Lab. I’m sad to leave that behind, but our new place in Seattle does have space for a home office, so I’m giving that a try. After unpacking, I had to spend just a little time getting the 3d printer re-calibrated, which presented a great opportunity to print out some parts for a project I’d had in mind for a good while.
We have a great hand-cranked pasta maker that I’ve used to turn out some great meals. But the truth is, it really requires three hands — one to turn the crank, one to feed the sheet of pasta in, and one to guide the sheet out. They do sell a motorization kit, but it’s pricey, and I figured it wouldn’t be too hard to use our KitchenAid mixer to power the pasta maker. Long story short, it worked:
You can also check out the slightly longer version of the story, which includes CAD file downloads (so you can make this yourself).
posted February 2, 2015 – 10:55 am
The big news I haven’t posted about here is that we’re moving back to Seattle in a couple of weeks. It’s been a while coming, and now it’s happening, and soon! Among many other things, I wanted to finish up a project in the woodshop before we left, so I spent a good amount of time in there before the holidays working on a gift for some friends. Here it is:
You can read all about the table (and see some more photos of the finished product as well as the work in progress) here.
posted January 5, 2015 – 10:41 am
It’s been hard to motivate myself to post anything recently — a lot of bad stuff going on in the world makes me feel, well, badly, about posting much of anything that isn’t a rant here, and we all know how much fun those are to read.
But I’m going to put the rant(s) on hold for now, and share some photos of our recent trip to Australia. It was the last of our big trips for the year, and also marked the last wedding (out of 7!) we attended in 2014.
We had a great time with friends in Sydney and got out several times on sailboats into the harbor (hence the photo above). Our social time didn’t leave much room for touristing, but I still think we got a good feel for the city (Dina had been there before, also). If you go, be sure to check out New Shanghai in Ashfield for excellent soup dumplings.
We also explored Australia’s East Coast — we visited the Blue Mountains, Brisbane, and Port Douglas/Cairns for some snorkeling on the reef. All lovely spots, though I suspect we wouldn’t have enjoyed Brisbane as much on our own (we visited with a friend who showed us around).
The reef really was something special, and well worth a visit (in case you’re at all on the fence). We had great snorkeling trips from Port Douglas with both Sailaway and Calypso. Unfortunately, the waterproof camera stopped working after the first day, leaving lots of amazing stuff unphotographed.
More photos are up here.
posted December 17, 2014 – 12:14 pm