We had a really nice weekend out in Sharon (CT) and Colrain (MA). The Eddie From Ohio concert at the Iron Horse on Sunday was brilliant as usual, and we took advantage of the beautiful weather and got plenty of hiking in on the mountain in Connecticut and in the woods of Colrain.
I’m pretty disappointed that the Massachusetts legislature voted for an ammendment to the state constitution banning gay marriage (won’t go into effect ’til 2006, if it gets all the votes it needs later), but I am glad the Attorney General all but ignored Mitt’s attempt to ban them immediately.
The roll call for the vote, along with the text of the ammendment is here. Now I’m no constitutional scholar, and I’m already offended enough by the idea behind the ammendment, but I find it pretty offensive that gays and lesbians are referred to in the ammendment as “same-sex persons.” What the hell kind of a phrase is that? Almost as bad as “activist judges.”
By the way, if you live in Massachusetts, you can find out who your representatives are on this site. Take the time to write them a letter and tell them what you think.