I’m off to the mall (ick!) at lunchtime to pick up the latest version of Mac OS X (Panther). I’d really like to be running the GIMP at home, and my options are as follows:

  • continue running OS X version 10.2 and spend about 6 hours compiling and installing X11 and an old version of GIMP (1.2 instead of 2.0)
  • spend $100 on OS X 10.3 and get pre-compiled versions of X11 and the GIMP
  • wait ’til January for Mac OS X Tiger to come out
  • buy a full version of Photoshop for my current OS (at $600, not a pleasant prospect)

Since I’ll use GIMP for a bunch of stuff this fall (photo editting & portfolio stuff), seems like spending $130 to get the latest version of everything running without a headache makes the most sense.

The hardest part of the trip is gonna be resisting the urge to buy the pretty toys they have at the Apple Store.

posted September 16, 2004 – 8:48 am
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