Looks pretty certain that my Canonet QL17 has got the sticky shutter syndrome (hope it’s not contagious). I got a roll back that included a number of pictures taken outdoors. In this cold, the shutter is super-slow, so the pictures are way overexposed. The overexposed frames also seem to bleed into neighboring frames, ruining otherwise good pictures. A few shots survived, though – check ’em out here.

I decided it was high time to finish the piano bench, so I brought it inside last night. It’s been way too cold to work in the garage, plus the polyurethane finish doesn’t dry very quickly out there. Another day or two and it’ll be done!

I saw The Motorcycle Diaries last night. It was quite well written and the acting was great, but the cinematography really stole the show (see it on the big screen if you can). They clearly thought through each shot and did a fantastic job making you feel like you were in each of the places in the movie – it was really breathtaking.

posted January 20, 2005 – 10:42 am
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