Well, a bunch of things conspired to postpone our $7/day food challenge. Another time, I hope…

One of those things is an upcoming work trip to Taipei. I just learned I’d be going last Friday, and leave on Sunday. I’ll be in the city for all of 3 days, and have plenty to prepare for the trip, so it’s left me a little stressed. I am excited to see a new place, of course, and also to reconnect with a college friend who lives there now. Hopefully I’ll have a bit more notice next time, and will be able to schedule an extra day or two to spend seeing more of Taipei.

Although I was a little disappointed not to be playing at Regionals this past weekend, I did make the most of my new-found free time. Drew, Jeff & I hiked up to Lake Stuart, in the Central Cascades, for a fantastic overnight.

Stuart Lake

For now, pictures are up on Drew’s Flickr account. We brought one camera up between the three of us, and though I did much of the button pressing, Drew did his fair share, too, and also did all the post-processing (which looks great). I’ll probably put up a copy of the photos on PicasaWeb soon.

posted October 13, 2008 – 10:03 pm
Old News
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