Drew is leaving Seattle in a week.



He has been my best friend here for the past few years. He’s been a confidant, a social connector, and a partner in shennanigans, experiments of all sorts, appreciating good food and drink, ultimate frisbee, trips and expeditions, and conversation, among many other things. And though I know he’ll continue to be a close, close friend for a long time to come, I’m still sad about his departure.

At the same time, I am also really excited for him and his upcoming adventure. I look forward to stories and pictures of new places and people, continuing conversations about life and how funny it really is, and I’m eager to visit, wherever he might be, sometime in 2010.

I will miss you, Drew. Best of luck, and lots of love, friend.

posted December 15, 2009 – 10:58 pm
Old News
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