Going in to fall, I’m excited to have a bunch of projects on tap, some new, some old. Eventually, I’ll update the Projects page, but for now, here’s a rundown:

Sweater — Is this finally the year I finish my sweater? The one from this lovely book? The one I’ve been working on for over 10 years? Well, probably not. But maybe I’ll finish a sleeve before it’s 2011. A guy can dream, right?

Robot Arm — Is this finally the year I finish the robot arm? Again, probably not, but I have some solid ideas about how to proceed with the motor control, and Matt has generously provided some excellent software. The end is (somewhat) in sight!

Sous-Vide Cooker — Before he left for the East Coast, friend and former Dupe resident Jesse built up quite a buzz about sous vide. It’s a cooking method that involves immersing food sealed inside plastic bags in temperature-controlled water baths for extended periods of time, and commercial equipment is quite pricey. Internet to the rescue! A local foodie figured out how to piece things together and assemble a setup for under $100. Naturally, we gave it a try, and damn if it wasn’t the best steak I’ve ever eaten in my life. Our setup wasn’t the most robust, and Jesse took it with him to NYC, so I’m hard at work on version 2.

Woodshop — Ever since I left Somerville for points west, I’ve missed having room to build things from wood. I’m very fortunate to have some friends who live in my neighborhood who’re willing to give up some space in their basement. I shipped out a couple big boxes of stuff that was in storage in Connecticut, and just picked up a used table saw. In exchange for using the space, I offered to build them a dining room table (likely a rough copy of this table from Crate & Barrel), so that (or perhaps a workbench) is project number one, starting soon!

Photography — I have a bunch of friends involved in the design/craft scene in Seattle (notably, Chika, and many others like Jean & Dylan, Kate, and Ingrid). I have a project brewing in my mind to document their amazing work and work spaces, though it may be a little while before it really comes together.

I’ll post more details as projects progress, of course!

posted October 10, 2010 – 10:56 am
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