In spite of some drearier-than-expected weather and shorter-than-expected unemployment, I’m fully enjoying summer in Seattle! With the season comes amazing (and cheap!) fresh fruits and vegetables, salmon, extended daylight, and, of course, Potlatch

Potlatch, day 3, still lookin' good! #StunMoUlty

Many thanks to the fine folks at Stunner of the Month for their sponsorship, to Drew for another amazing jersey design, and also to Whit and Claire for helping put together an amazing team.

The drearier-than-expected weather in June and July did present an excellent opportunity to spend some quality time in the workshop constructing my workbench.

Dovetail joint, disassembled

At this point, the base is solid, the work surface is glued up and mostly flat, and I’ve installed one of two vises. The second (the tail vise) is nearly ready, and after that, it’s just some more planing and finishing left.

Workbench in progress

It feels really good to have a regular outlet for making stuff (with my own two hands) again, and I’m excited for the first furniture project that uses the bench — a dining room table for my gracious workshop hosts, Faye and Nick.

posted July 31, 2011 – 7:25 pm
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