My friends ended up having their birthday party here on Friday night. Word to the wise: don’t go there. Ever. Ear-splitting loud (bad) music, nasty drinks, sticky floors, and more of a meat market scene than I’ve ever seen. Gross.
Peter Mulvey and friends (Erin McKeown, Kris Delmhorst, Jennifer Kimball, Sean Staples and Anita Suhanin) put on a marvelous show Saturday night at the Somerville Theater. Don’t miss ’em if they come to your town.
Truth be told, Snappy Dance really didn’t live up to their name, and their performance this weekend wasn’t nearly as good as others I’ve seen by them in the past. Part of the problem, my parents and I decided, was that they had really shifted from simple, happy pieces to more complicated, somewhat dreary ones. We also decided they’re in dire need of an editor – someone to cut about 30% of the choreography – as they’re quite self-indulgent. I’ll still go see them again, but only if they promise not to depress me and put me to sleep as much.