I’m 99.9% finished with Abby’s birthday present – a cribbage board (she requested one, so I haven’t given away any surprises). Look for pictures soon.

We had a potluck dinner on Saturday night in celebration of Abby’s birthday. Danielle and I made a mighty fine cake (if I do say so myself) from the cookbook from Rosie’s Bakery. I’ve had cakes and other assorted goodies from the bakery before, and they were great, so I wasn’t shocked when the cakes from their cookbook came out well, too.

Check out this neat, online exhibit of Danish furniture called Walk the Plank – each piece is made by designers and cabinet makers from a single board. I had a similar idea and thought of participating in the Somerville Open Studios with an exhibit called “2 x Chair” – chairs made from a single, 8 foot long 2×4. Maybe next year.

The Somerville Open Studios are coming up (May 1st and 2nd), so be sure to check them out. Especially notable is my friend Tova’s first public exhibition, which you can see at the Vernon Street Studios

posted April 12, 2004 – 8:39 am
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