Things are finally shaping up on the job front, thankfully. It’s definitely been longer than I would’ve liked, but it seems like I’m on the home stretch.

In the meantime, I’ve been keeping busy enough. I celebrated Hanukkah by eating latkes 4 out of the 8 nights. Nothing like fried goodness served with sour cream and applesauce to warm your soul. Also an excellent soul-warmer: chocolate bread pudding (from How to Cook Everything). Easy and delicious!

Also in food news, Keiran wrote up the results of his virtual ice cream party – sounds like some good ice cream was made. Next on my list is the honey-cardamom.

I played last weekend at the unfortunately named Dangle Wrangle, an all-guys frisbee tournament. It’d been a while since I’d played, and we had only one sub for four straight games (two of which were in the snow) – I was sore ’til Wednesday. I’m looking forward to Winter League so I can keep in slightly better shape without having to resort to going for runs.

posted December 14, 2007 – 10:08 am
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