My body’s taken quite a beating in the last couple weeks: a sprained ankle, bruised hand, dislocated AC joint (shoulder), and about 8-10 bee/hornet stings. Not so fun! That makes me a little glad the frisbee season’s over and very glad that recovery can begin in earnest (the ankle’s been bothering me for quite a while).
And yes, for better or worse, the frisbee season is over for Shadrach. We had a fairly mediocre showing at Sectionals this weekend, and lost by two points in the game-to-go against local rivals Moonshine. Though my feelings about being done with frisbee for the year are definitely mixed, I was disappointed not to have played in our games Sunday (after the shoulder injury late Saturday).
What’s next? There may be a trip to the Bay Area in my future (probably the weekend I was planning on going to Corvalis for Regionals), and I’ll put in some more time on the robot arm project, but beyond that, I’m not sure, exactly.