I’ve really been enjoying my new iPhone; it’s a first-generation version I bought used from a friend who upgraded. I followed these instructions to unlock the phone to work with T-Mobile, and it went without a hitch. I haven’t installed lots of applications, but the basics (phone, web, maps, contacts and calendar) are intuitive and satisfying to use. I am a little miffed at the lack of a good Notes application (I’d love the iPhone equivalent of Safe, but would settle for a decent app that synced notes to the computer), but I’m figuring it all out.
One of my goals in getting the iPhone was reducing the number of gadgets in my life – of the phone/Palm/MP3 player trio, the new phone will definitely eliminate the need to carry around my Palm (I’ve been using a T|X for a couple years now), and maybe eventually the MP3 player, too.
I’ve largely been focused on Sectionals, which is this weekend. Interesting to note that at the time I’m writing this, the top four seeds in our section (Shazam, D’oh, Shadrach and Moonshine) are all ranked in the top 25 teams, and that counts teams that only came together for one tournament (so it’s really more like the top 15 teams). We definitely have a tough section, but I’m confident Shadrach can make it to Regionals.
I have had some time for other fun stuff, some of which I’ll write about when frisbee’s over. Ice cream features heavily, as does rug shopping.